Welcome to Astro Chinnaraj Website

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Our Terms and Condition and Business Model

  1. Astro Chinnaraj Website Provides E-learninig Platforms in Astrology
  2. We have Two Sections Free and Paid Section in paid section

  3. we named it has Lecture videos and special videos .

  4. in that section user should have to pay the mentioned amount to see that video.

  5. after paying the amount user can able to access the premium feature of website like seeing live classes and other premium video .

  6. users should not share or download any videos uploaded in that section.

Our Privacy Policy

  1. Astro Chinnaraj Website Collects just the information of users mobile number

  2. We stored it under secure encryption method

  3. we used the mobile number for the purpose of maintaining and tracking the users validity and our profit report

  4. if you don't want use premium feature we don't collect any details from the user side

Refund & Cancellation Policy

  1. Astro Chinnaraj Website Collects the amount for special videos and Lecture Videos Plan

  2. if once amount is paid it cannot be refunded at any condition

Shipping & Delivery Policy

  1. Astro Chinnaraj Website currently does not have any product delivery method

  2. we just have a online payment option for accessing our premium features like videos ,live classes so on